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hi there 👋🏽, i'm

Ikoote Rasuli

I can help you build a product , feature or website Look through some of my work and experience! If you like what you see and have a project you need coded, don't hestiate to contact me.

coding desk
Ikoote Rasuli

Who is Ikoote Rasuli?

A Bit About Me

I'm a full-stack software engineer with expertise in Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and API development. I love building web applications and creating seamless user experiences with React and Redux.

📚 Currently, I'm exploring the fascinating world of project deployment, aiming to apply this knowledge to enhance my problem-solving abilities and contribute to innovative projects.

🚀 I've crafted multiple projects that showcase my expertise and love for coding, covering web development and other applications.

💼 If you're looking for a developer with a proven track record in multiple technologies and a passion for continuous learning, let's connect!

My Skills

Technologies I Work With

Computer Engineering graduate, Microverse bootcamp graduate, and aspiring PHP enthusiast. Actively working on exciting projects and here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Django
  • React
  • Javascript (ES6+)
  • Typescript
  • Ruby
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Git

My projects

Some Things I Built

I like to stay busy and always have a project in the works. Take a look at some of the applications I've have built

RideEase screenshot



SummerWave Hotels is a website to reserve rooms for the SummerWave Hotel chains. You can select available rooms from a gaphic list, or by clicking on the reserve menu. 📅 With "SummerWave," users can: ✅ Explore a curated selection of rooms ✅ Easily reserve 💼 "SurmmerWave" showcases my passion for creating user-friendly applications and integrating cutting-edge technologies.

  • React Js
  • Ruby
  • API
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Postgres



This is a mobile web application where you can manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what.

  • React Js
  • Ruby on Rails
  • API
  • HTML
  • CSS
space screenshot


Space Travel Hub!

Welcome to the Space Travel Hub! 🚀 Embark on an extraordinary journey through the cosmos with our out-of-this-world web application. Developed as a thrilling group project, Space Travel Hub integrates SpaceX's powerful API to offer you an unrivaled experience in the realm of space exploration.

  • React
  • API
  • CSS
  • HTML
GDC screenshot



This web application helps people to locate the nearby brewery across different states in United state. How to search? ◉ Click on the type you want. ◉ Move to the location. ◉ Find your drink place

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React
  • Redux
to do list screenshot


To Do List

'To-do list' is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete. You will build a simple website that allows for doing that, and you will do it using ES6 and Webpack!

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Other Noteworthy Projects

Have a project? or just looking to hire?

Let's Work Together

Feel free to reach out if you're looking to hire, just want to connect or see if we can build something amazing together.

Get in touch →